Whatever happened to Insane54 and the other lads? Visiting this website certainly brings a wave of nostalgia!
I feel a little old :P
Baha this is brilliant. The wallpaper/gfx aspect of the picture is alright. Maybe make the gradient map more delicious/flavorable? xD
O Hai thur :D
I'm definitely down for this! Great idea :D
Not shabby, needs some more depth/contrast/sharpening in certain parts. But like I said, not shabby ;D
That second one is friggen tubular. Great job man, nothing I don't like about them! aha. Brilliant work. KIU :D
There's alot of negative space going on as well. I'd suggest cropping it down a little. Also, for text, I would suggest using 2-3 fonts at the...
For tags/signatures, I would suggest keeping the text to a minimal of 3-4 words. Reason being, you want a tag/signature to showcase your main...
Make a more dominate light source, but not too strong. Also, take colours from within the tag/sig for the text. ie. use one of the dark greys on...
[IMG] v2. - Lighting dimmed, sharpened to create more emphasis [img] Trying out some C4Ds, which I normally stray away from. Thoughts/suggestions?