im on my second xbox. the first wouldnt read disks anymore so i gave it to my parents to stream netflix. went out and bought a new one from best...
thanks guys :D glad you like it. i just hope the lack of objective based games dont turn people away. i tryed to make the map as good looking as...
because the map is built in the skybox, there is no "out of the map". walking along the wall doesn't give the player any advantage what so ever....
only free for all and team slayer are supported right now. i may do a version 2 in the future and see if i can free up some budget for objective...
Boxed Inn is a map i threw together in a few hours. I was inspired by Caps180's "Gear" when i was building this. If you have seen Gear then you...
[IMG] : Halo 3 File Details [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
MLG Anglez will be up very soon. keep an eye out for the new version in the mlg section [IMG]
90 minutes for a map is crazy lol. take some time on your map, you'll thank yourself when your finished and have a work of art to call your own....
thanks man. we all have to start somewhere. i used to be really bad at making maps when i first started out, but every map seemed to get better...
Thanks. thats my attempt to stand out and be unique... hope it worked lol.
Thanks for the responses guys, ill keep the weapons in mind.
thanks man, great to hear. i know the pictures may seem a little confusing, but once you download it you'll see its really a simple layout. both...
Angles V2.1 is an updated version of Angles. Its gone through many stages, but id have to say this is the best. The map blends gameplay and...