i hate the hunting rifle >.< The chinese assault rifle is great though and so is the .44 but i like teh brass knuckles.
whats up guy =D You still seem to be pretty new here soooooo what break? anyway welcome back i guess haha =D
I know right? But ima go apply for a job! byebye =D
daaaamn that sounds like an amazing game i lol'd the whole time XD
hand out candy =[
okay two seconds =D
Welcome to forgehub and nice intro =D
i thought the room was locked??
I call everyone that =3 sorry haha. Happeh halloween=D
Well ima get off, nightnight kiddo sweet dreams and whatnot =D See ya.
Hah well dont feel bad your taller then my girlfriend =D shes 5"2!
How short are....erm i mean how tall are you?
Well, i can eat a lot for my size, im 5"9 and 135 pounds, so im quite skinny, but i have a hgh matobolism so i eat a lot =D
I know i had to do a looooot of research to learn that =D I dun feel good =[ I ate two foot long subs and now my stomach hurts.