Supposebly its running on MW2 engine so I will not buy it no matter what. Wager matches look cool though, but I personnaly think they won't last long.
Cool idea would be for the moneyball you make some landmines covering a bomb plant so you will need to commit suicide multiple times like the bots...
I don't think its a good Idea because buildings would make me have a tougher time forging, no space. Also I'd rather have a map where its snowy so...
You should set it up near one of the waterfalls for some cool aesthetics. Just set it up so you don't get jetpack it woul be too overpowering
I believe that it is on spire. The starting cam was different because you can move it around in forge. It could quite possibly be forgeworld, Ive...
Ice Fields, won't be the full map. Wait can canadian not enter?
This map is based of a Halo CE map called icefield. -The things that are connected by bridges are rocks same ase the one ontop of the cave -The...
Im making hang em high kk :D. Nvm Ièm making a map based off of ice fields
Multiple mancannons + gravlifts + gavity + grav hammer = superawesome launch. Is this what you wnated
I believe that it will affect the speed of the jump and height like in halo 3. Example 200% gravity makes you fall faster, 50% makes you fall...
WTF, it looks epic... It wasnt an explosion it was a terrorist, mega phiranna. lol must be good Edit: they have another movie called Titanic 2
Im talking about hatofwin being a douche...
Dont be so mean, plus pms jokes are stupid. Dont take him too seriously hes just being a ****, plus hes behind a computer hes probably some fat...
First ones title should be "I was in 'Nam" Don't really get what the second one had to do with betrayal