I'm out of here. Nice knowing you.
Lied? No. I'm surprised you question that. I talk to Grunge often. All of those threads started out as jokes between us. It was most definitely a...
The avant-garde interlocking is interesting, and well pulled off for what it is. Though the map itself is rather messy and somewhat confusing....
Much, thanks dude.
Not very funny, and it would have been much better with a Gravity Hammer.
Even if you have disabled your rep, you will still receive reputation. It only hides the users rep level.
Hypocrisy much?
There's nothing wrong with the photo itself, as it's neat and well executed. Just the fact that this concept has been done many times, and if you...
What was the delay for?
****ing awesome. Could you change the way the text is, though? Like make it just flat rather than fading off in the distance.
Believe it or not, this is actually on Standoff. [IMG]