eh sorry i like the original better yours is just way to dark, and seems a little... off i guess you could say
actually i started with illustrator and i think photoshop is easier to use but then again i stoped using illustrator for awhile. but like...
i always just use Infranview to resize things its a very basic photo editing software it's pretty easy to use.
well to save as a .Png you have to make sure your image mode is RGB not CMYK to this go to image> mode > RGB color. that should fix that problem...
i just switched to forgehub x just to see what it looked like on it and i noticed two white marks above the render i didnt even notice they were...
ha no not really but i still like the way it looks. now i didn't ask you to figure out what i did to it i was just wondering how you thought it looked
i put the render up for you blivion
just messing around with photoshop and i made this, whatcha think? [IMG] with a border [IMG] for blivion's sake heres the render...
and many of those epic no scopes were straight into my face :-( but anyways, i love this map and it is definitely feature worthy 11/10
well it's a great map 5/5 for gameplay and i want credit for making it Debo!!!! lol, do it now created by Mr. McHaggis Mitona and Debo not just debo
dude understand sarcasm all he was saying is he doesn't like your color choices no need to get your panties in a bunch.
i like the sig however, i do agree with lock that it has to much empty space it in but the text goes well with the rest of the sig. i dont really...
yes it is in fact true i used to be a beast with ms paint before i got photoshop cs3 with paint it just takes alot more skill to make something...
well the second one has a good pop out effect and good text but again you just put a render on a black background and added a border and text work...