i'm not lying when i say this looks very well built, and i will be checking this out, my first thought thought would be to bump up the hall ways...
that's what i'm talking about, good old fashioned red base, blue base, head to head, small battle zone. It's well made with a good flow, not bad...
oh Timmy, it's been a while since i've been on here. But i have to say, it was refreshing to click on competitive maps and see one of your pieces...
Thanks for the input. I know for a fact from the strut you can make the jump. And for the rest yu mentioned, i had changed in the new version, but...
It's rare that I'm this impressed, very nice work. 2 concerns. 1 The angled part for the middle of orange and green seems too short. maybe that's...
So i pretty much finished an updated version of this, with some drastic changes made and an entire lower level made similar to guardians.... and...
Thanks, ya i was really a fan of the upper level, but it just didn't seem to work for the game type i was going for, so i've taken that whole...
I like it, but i think it's work better if you make the outer ring smaller. that is maybe use a smaller block. just some for for thought
It looks great. i'd love to download but bungie.net doesn't seem to be working, is this just me, it's been going on for a while now. just from...
So I'm glad to see there's an updated version, but i've been trying to download this one since the last version.... Am i the only one that the...
I would add some decorations to the walls, make them look a little prettier. And really although i understand why you put the lights, there not...
haha, the sky bridge looks fun. my only thought is to add some more coloring, but sometimes i go a bit overboard with that, so maybe not, lol.
WO, i need me some more pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please
Looks great. It really got me to saw outloud, 'damn that looks awesome' I'm downloading, my only concern as of now though is that the only way to...
You gotta simplify a bit man, you have a lot of stuff just seemingly tossed in all over the place. And there's a number of sports that need...