I'm not sure how many supplies you had left, or if you used money glitch, but you could have used a soccerball. im not sure how well shoot it...
ohh i c now kk thanks for the clearup.
Whats your avatar a picture of?
I love tunnel maps and this one is great!, the only thing that looks strange is how the fence walls are stopping water from going throu them....
is this the cleaned up version of that other one? Any way I agree it is better than all the others i have seen. Cant remember who said they would...
Ive seen all of the posts before, and i even dl Spartan Highway before and loved it. And to person who asked if drawbridge can clos, i dont think...
Hmm forge hub and artificer are merging it seems. I personally think this is a exellant switch, for these reasons: Awsome for puzzle maps(as said...
I love how the base looks, not sure how it plays id test if my internet could dp more than download. 4.5/5
looks very hard for the attackers with the fusion coils, and the shield doors are a huge advantage, and maybe a little longer description would be...
I like it, but it would be nice if it were bigger, it would be nice to see it used in a competitive map though. I see you've posted it at...
I really love these types of maps, Looks really fun, ill D/L and check it out. Maybe try it with snipers who knows.
Its pretty good. (not many maps on ghost town) The only thing I'm not a big fan of is the seceret room because it usually results in camping. BUt...
It looks extremely confusing too, like no guides. Also I agree with matt about the turn. 90° turns are extremely hard to do (especially when on...
An easy way to take pics of an interior of buildings ( with out terring it apart) would be to not have it spawn at start and take a scrn shot....
Easily The best race map ive seen ever on avalanche, I love that angled bank turn over the edge. I personally think a ghost would be an interestin...