this map and gametype would have taken a long time too make...very well thought out
5/5 nice work on the walls...looks beauitiful
the train is freikin ?????(misspelt) awesome
awesome ........ plz go to this website | |...
5/5 sword ftw
awesome sniper ftw
lov e the elite 5/5
this is small no offense but 1/10000000000000000000000.......just kidding 1/5
i love this mp would have taken a while to make
screenshot not working sorry its working now
awesome love the building in the middle
love the new feature. going to add it in some of my maps. courtesy of whoever made tis map
add more pics and the map looks a bit plain
i have this map and half the time i was laughing at my friends and pwning them because they didnt know they could walk up walls