What would you suggest as a weapon layout?
That's what spiker grenades are for :D
Choco Clak By Miinaturvat Made for Slayer, CTF and Assault. This map has one main room, with 3 tunnels leading to and from it. Throughout the...
Narcotic Vobe 6 By Miinaturvat Made for slayer, CTF and Assault. This map was basically made on an equilateral triangle, with a base at each...
lol. All this arguing over a remake of a map? It is a remake. Like 'Da Pig' said, the origional was rubbish. This one is way better forged. So...
Omega brilliant! :D I love this map!
I like the map, but the guy shooting the carbine in the pic labeled Right Side has really bad aim! :)
BIGGEST BUMP EVER! Sorry, I couldn't resist :D
First the vent... Then my map, doom tunnel... Then This! They just keep getting better :) Good job.
How do I download?! :D
Thanks :D
I know! People keep saying it's offensive, but it's not really! ...unless you're a ****... but they deserve to be offended, so i don't see what...
Never seen this idea before, it looks really good :D