Awesome post Buddha, unfortunantly the mouseover picture of the minotaur breaking down the wall seems to be broken itself at the moment....
Dude really?!?! this post was from November and you post this now as if they missed something... ...check the date before posting.
The possibilities are truly limitless now.
On a post made by JonnyOThan in a thread regarding despawning and invasion it has been confirmed. Yep, you can forge invasion. The...
The area does seem to be blocked off but the audiophile is in a room/corridoor that can be accessed through a "security door", on of the tall...
So much for working on the map this weekend. lolz
When will the winners be announced?
oooh, Cadillac of Xbox's...
you were on just yesterday though? And your re-thinking your re-think?
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no one heard that. [Edit] toooo slow, noooob.
I was planning to invent a cool new product but decided to just take someone elses and see if people like it. If they do i'm not gonna tell them...