now now, dont be so harsh. simply because they had the same idea doesnt mean that he stole the idea and knew it. the only real thing we can prove...
Ok, what i think on the trailor. firstly, Chief's armor was damaged in the start of Halo3, so he might have repaired it somehow on the ship....
I'd like to clear up a few points about my earlier post, and my lack of maps. Firstly, i do not troll. I posted, only to point out the major...
i have set the settings for the goal to all of these things, and im not too worried about the delayed despawn. my primary problem is that even...
Ok, Recently, i have been tinkering with some ideas for maps, and i felt it best to ask, since i havent been able to work it out for myself, if...
ok. im stunned. i came in here, thinking some noob had posted forgeworld with a spawn or two, or someone being a troll, but instead, i find a...
its not so much that they dont work well, as that they take skill, experience, and a good knowledge of how to create the right edges to get...
ok, i came in here, thinking it was going ot be something iffy, but its really impressive the way you did it. the timing and everything had to be...
to clarify, the elevator MUST be mechanical to go up. it doesnt have to work 100% of the time, it just needs to work enough that i can use it for...
ok, im currently making a machinima related map for a project some friends and i are doing. anyway, i have built an elevator that works, and will...
Ok, im going to be honest. I think that you could use some work in improving your forging skills. I cant download it just yet, but i can tell it...
i take it thats a soft kill zone in the reactor room? i did the same thing in the first map i made that wasnt just a random throw together of...
to be brutally honest, the ship seems a bit.. sloppy. i see many rather unappealing things in the two picks you supplied, including a few spots...