those ideas would be awesome to have, i to love natural terrain. :) however, i remember seeing in a bungie interview (can't remember where it...
Im sorry, but I have to agree with everyone else, its a bit too simple and you need to take out the garages. Id suggest making it in the sky...
Yeah, I agree, its not even worth to DL, but my friend DLed it, and we found that the humans just camp in the spawn room. Also, the aesthetics...
I really like the look of this, I might DL it when I have the room, but I can't help thinking that humans could just spawn kill as they fall...
A fantastic first post, finally someone who knows how to embed pictures correctly, well done! Also the map looks awsome too :), nice design and...
i love playing on small maps, this one definatley looks fun to play. From what I can see, it has good aesthetics and a good design and you...
sorry, but i agree with the above, it isnt well made, each base is 12 objects long and the rest of the map is virtually open. Also, I see this...
Good looking map, I love playing 1v1 on Citadel. I'll DL this when i have room - How the hell do you get frustrated with windows?! When I play I...
Welcome to forgehub. Sadly your post isnt up to standards, you need to put pics up as soon and you post, you hav 24 hours before this thread is...
Lol, Pink alpha zombie. However, Im not that keen on the map, it looks slightly sloppy but if you didnt merge then its been built OK. If you...
i really like the idea. this would be great a great laugh with friends and i will dl as soon as a have space. i like the idea of teams nominating...
here's a much easier way to do it my friend :) go to Halo Screen Shots and search your gamertag, after a few minutes your pictures wil show up,...
Welcome to forgehub! you're screenshots aren't working, since this is your first map, you probably don't know that you can't embed your pics off...