I actually have the Swimsuit Edition mag with her on the cover. so. hot. omfg.
It seems like a sick combination of Purple Bunker with Teamwerks Arena. Excellent use of Forge Techniques, although I must saw the center Fence...
Hahah i've seen all of their videos before. They're making a movie!
This looks fantastic! I would've gone insane color coding all those boxes. This map's aesthetics are great too, and i can't wait to walk around...
pics or gtfo seriously, everyone is confused. Can you actually make whatever it is you are talking about and show some pictures?
Oh my god Sweeny, that was epic. I believe everything you said.
Maybe post some examples of your favorite pictures with links to the artists so us Newbs out here will understand what your talking about?
If the objects were immovable on this map, and the sunset was permenatly stuck like that, wouldn't all the objects have long shadows? Bungie...
I used to play piano ano saxophone, but I dropped them both. The only "instrument" I "play" nowadays is my voice, haha. I love to sing.
Anything? hmm....
Ok well getting the download link in your post is incredibly easy. To find the link just go to the page on bungie where your map is and just copy...
This truly looks epic, but theres two things wrong. 1. You double posted, that second post was spam... 2. Theres no DL link You can fix these...
I love your Forge Monster dude. He's quite the awesome fellow. Isn't there a red one too? I've seen it around.
I havn't seen either of these, would anybody happen to have some pictures of Smashed?
This looks really sweetly forged, my only problem is that there are wayyyy too many power weapons and turrets. EDIT: It's also escapable, just...