You still online?
Brink looks pretty cool, and I'm thinking of getting RAGE, too. I googled Warsoup, as well. I can't believe I've never heard of it :O Looks like...
Hey, good to hear about you finishing uni :D You graduated, right? May seem a silly question, but I know a few people who just left uni without...
Sup, Peggleton. I seem to pop in and out, don't I? :P Just wondering how stuff is going for you. Still playing Halo? Still going to Uni?
Sounds good. As long as it's convenient for you, sure thing. I've just started my summer holidays, so time is now in abundance.
Sorry for the really late reply, but sure, the more the better :P Are you going to be on any time soon?
Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Pegasi. Hey. Hey Pegasi. Pegasi. Hey. Come playtest my invasion map 'Mellow Yellow', pl0x.
It does look pretty good. But I have no money, so I'll have to borrow it from one of three friends who own it. On another note, have you made any...
'Tsup, pommy man. Remember a while ago I said I disliked Fallout 3? Well, I'm going to pick up New Vegas. Happy? Took a while, but you've...
Looks like Chillout. The Forgeworld theme seems to look far more like the Halo: CE map. Great job on the remake. Should be fun to play in Reach....
Not much, really. I pre-ordered Reach, paid it off, and now can't wait the remaining 10 days. Oh, and I heard you got a job. Nicely done. I may...
'Allo. Long time no Visitor Message C: Anything happen while I was away?
Perhaps I should get BL:TD on the Playstation Store just to troll on you. And are you going dark regarding Reach info? I'm going to try, but I'll...
D: You kidding. $40 a piece? I'm busy enough paying off Reacharound.
A game that now seems to be the polar opposite to Tango Down LOL ****, I wish I had me some MSP.