your name is funny as hell man ,lol
ill send u a freind request
thanks for that picture i needed a good laugh
well i couldnt find the right stuctures to make me happy and i took a long time to post the map the map has been getting worked on for over a year...
yay nondual loves the map more now,fortunatly we had a awesome host and we had vertually no lag on the map the other night and i must say it...
post on sovereinty please i just posted on urs thanks
this map and gametype are pretty good i actually enjoyed it even theought i only got to play it with a few people but nice forging and hope to see...
i would to but i remember the map was to fantastical and peoples connections couldnt handle it and nondual was disappointed in the connection but...
Sovereinty Weapons: BRs Snipers Carbons Missile Pods Rocket launchers Spartan Laser Maulers Needlers Equipment: Power Drains Bubble...
well,if u are good with btb map spawns then just tell me if u can help if possible on certain days or something or if u know some one,also what...
We need help finishing this map, We need some one who is good with spawns and doesnt mind sharing the credit with hadokinchild and I :) Please...