Hello Forgehub! Some time ago in the days of Halo: Reach I re-created a few maps that I hold dear from Halo History. The maps were Ship to Ship...
Thinking about running some games on this tonight, if you are interested, let me know GT: Masta Chief 009
Yes I did fix that random bridge piece. For those of you not in on the loop here, For each version of an asymetrical gametype (ball, CTF, bomb,...
Thank you everyone for your encouragement, I will be going back to making progress today, all the map needs at this point is Gametype setup. I...
I am happy to hear i'm not the only one who shares love for boarding action, I am working very hard, but these last four ladders are proving to be...
that is actually where I got the idea for the two way ladders, thanks tho, yea the last post was that long ago since I didnt bother posting...
I attempted to bump the old thread, but it was auto merging with my post from three days ago. This will be the thread I use from now on. The...
Alright, I'm sure some of you know I already Have a thread on here... I would just post my update there but it is refusing to let me post a "new"...
After much fiddeling with forge and that most recent link to the two way "ladders" I have finally begun the painstaking task of reconstructing...
Wow that is pretty chill... I may have to try that. If I do impliment it into Boarding Action, I would need to start from scratch. Since this...
Thank you, The idea is cool, but the problem with the shield door ladders is that they are a one-way direction of travel... which doesn't work for...
They actually attempted to implement ladders into Reach's engine. However if i remember correctly, it broke a lot of code and seriously impeded...
I don't know about all of you, but one of my absolute favorite classic maps that has not seen anylove from bungie or forge is Boarding action. Any...