ahhhhahaha, my bad! Scratch the comment about cover and gameplay then, but I STILL think it's pretty bland (especially if it's only requirement is...
The pelican is cool, as is the hose/turbine/generator thing. But man, that overview shot needs some spicing up. Area looks way too bland and open....
Those piles of weapons are a bad idea. You'd spend too much time walking all over them just trying to pick up, say, the grenade launcher and not...
First long screenshot looks great. The structure has a lot of weight, very imposing. Reminds me of the final area in the first mission for Halo 3.
Looks great! I love the arch ceiling, very cathedral-like. Aesthetics look great all around actually. Reminds me of Elongation from Halo 2. Have...
No worries. I don't know what to say other than that I think it's pretty unique. Most of the popular maps I've seen are all symmetrical and the...
FOREST MOON Min Players: 4 Max Players: 10 Best: 4v4 Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Assault, One Bomb, Neutral Bomb, CTF, One...