you should get on xbox sometime...
lets play some gta V sometime soon.
does anyone have a link to that video of all of the forge objects? the halo 4 follower one says the video was taken down
from the stream, i saw that you can skip the kill cam and go back to your corpse to see what is going on where you died
Halo 4 Interactive Guide
you're funny, also that Z fighting was SOO bad, i really hope that there is an easy way to get rid of it.. hopefully they do a small update at...
Making Halo 4: Infinity Multiplayer - YouTube Guys/Girls, we still have the platform XXL. BS angel forgot it in her list. My proof. Pause the...
i'm hoping they have a day 1 update with all of the gametypes they left out.
Ah.. good point sir, i did not even think about that...
the spartan we saw in episode three was Fredrick 104
i just wish that we had Every Halo weapon, vehicle and gametype ever for customs.. 343 can control MM, but let us go crazy in customs Mauler,...
^ this ^..
we've only seen the vehicles they allow us to use on Erosion though.. no the others.. Im with you man, GL was my favorite weapon in the halo...
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