Ok, there have been several instances where something strange has happened. When I complete a map, my name isn't in the author section, its just...
Hey, um, I'm sorry to say this but I was unsuccessful in recreating that glitch. I'm going to keep trying but it may take a while.
This is a real occurance, It has happened to me several times while forging on sandtrap. I dont know what caused it but I will try to do it again...
Ive tried it already, tried it all the way down even with no shields people still wouldnt die until the warthog blew up.
I created a partially working gametype and map to with each other both named "bumbercars". It was based off the idea of the carnival bumper cars...
For the last 2 months Ive been trying to do this, to me its impossible, there is no way I can find that you can make a rotating map, but Id love...
I would think that our turn in Bungie favorites would be nice, but thats just me.
It took somewhere between and hour and 2 hours.
I think your all basiclly describing the Halo CE HEK, but in halo 3, that would be alot easier than forge, being able to put in another disc thats...
The moon was supposed to be behind it but I messed up in my positioning so I couldnt do it.
On july 4th I can help you, just send me a friend invite.
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Thanks, I'd be willing to help you work on yours if you want.