Lol pwned
Yo bro im back and what the hell i have no idea i hope he dosen't i mean i like Final boss. Ps: wtf how many hours do you work out a day now...
Youre right sorry but everyone that doesn't like HLG always sterotypes us like that jackass. And i used your gamertag because youre a fifty duh.
I just got an infraction for spam silly mods how did i spam he insulted HLG now i want to kick his ass in a one v one to shout him up.
You really are stupid illegal spots and no skill at all ill give you a one on one and then you'll see some hidden magic.
This is gonna get a while to get used to. When did they ipload the update normally you get a message saying xboxlive will be offline from 10 to 12...
Ok im going to make a fair conclusion to this discussion. Im going to make two new accounts one for straight up play and one for HLG and i'll see...
Yes the four main members aren't high because they only play with those accounts to hide they are second accounts i can recall one of them saying...
ROFLMAO that is come back of the century
Whats your gamertag then i'll ask if there up for giving you a game (there is a very slim chance considering everyone keeps wanting to play them...
Do some research before you make your next post they do MLG and this is how they play it. I love...
This is true i tried lots of various ways to make a good looking drumkit but this is the best i could think of.
This statement is un true HLG founding members are level 50's that made new accounts because they were bored if you played them they would maul...
Hi there i was wondering what your opinion of HLG is, for those of you that don't know HLG are a group (Not a clan) of people that use hiding...