yea that would be a good time UNLESS if i have football pratice if not that should be good but is there anyway possibly Saturday cause i haven't...
"Soggy bottom Boys" Hey my GT is "Master Madd Max" and my partner is my brother "R0ad Razor" Our other account is "Itz Bucky". i have school...
HEY i am sorry but i live in louisiana and we just got hit by a hurricane so i didn't get power back till today. i don't know if we can still do...
Hey it looks good and all but can you please fix your font please. i use the "old School" theme and it is very hard to see. Possibly something in...
i would have never thought of an MLG map on Ghost Town. Nicely Done! I love it when people think of stuff that no one ever did. Keep up the good...
tell me you are able. heres the link for the 2v2
i love this map. i played it about a week ago and it has great gameplay
Hey i played it and all my friends liked it but it would be cool if you had a tellaportal up there and possibly a warthog on the ground for ground...
looks good and i loved how you ranked the jumps difficulty, but can it be done with more than one person?
GOOD JOB. i love it when people come out with new and exciting ideas. I'm gonna have to check it out and get back to you on the rating
Dude if it looked like that it would already be featured and it would be the greatest map ever. the closest thing to that is distortion. Anyway...
this is very cool you you show the grif officials over at rvb and see if they might use it or ifbungie saw it they could put it in the Double xp...
it is accually really hard. i played it but i couldn't get very far and we did show darkest warrior. He got his insperation from him