Great Map and all. Was pretty fun. But as for Agamer93, I think you should be enforcing the rule against the more widespread and frustrating...
I found a way to make a HEV by putting the barriers inside of a tube peice and then teleporting into it. It takes forever to find a spot for the...
I'm glad it eventually worked for yall. Thanks for playing it. But that is strange how none of the humans died at the beginning.
Wow that last message was really long. I'm sorry about that it's just that I'm used to writing essays for school so everything is horribly long.
Oh my god! what is with you people talking about things you don't know about. I guess that the machine guns are too powerful BUT in the times that...
No...... If you ACTUALLY PLAYED the map then you would know that these problems don't occur unless the zombies are blithering idiots.
Grave Shift Gametype: Keeper *Click on the titles to download* You are in a graveyard with some friends when suddenly the apocalypse occurs and...
Great interlocking. Very fun to play. keep up the good work. And by the way JoshRick, why was the first similar thing to the title that you...
THis is a great map, but my friends and I spent hours trying to figure out what we were doing wrong until we finally figured out that the...
I loved this map. The forging in it is pretty amazing. It was fun for everybody except when people started to camp on the building next to the...
If y'all have the mythic maps that came with ODST I have some cool ideas using motor boats.
Hey, yo quiero ser con sus grupo.
I liked it. Nice geomerging and thanks for getting into those spaces so people like me ,who don't have time to figure that out, can get into those...
I've done this before and its amazingly awesome. I'm glad somebody posted something about it, I'm too lazy to post. I hope to have the time to...