looks great nut ya add some cover or tunels or somthing to the middle
i think this is a great idea about time someone made this i like to play paintball when i get a chance but utherwise looks cool
this loks good how long did it take u to make it and i liked the minigame
i think u should make a bigger jumping space for the jumpers and mayby put a fusion coil that spawns like at the end of the game and if the zombs...
its hard to understand but i thnk ur saying like u jump down into a tele and u get launched on the trampoline
it looks pretty cool i like the gamestyel where as u escape shoot or do kill a cop u get killed or u escape
im not a pro forger but i usally use 2 4 ect bridgesmake these rounded walls by interlocking and walla i get a bridge thats concealed
hu i just make my elvators with 2 regens 2 cannon men and 2 walls
thanks for the info openn welcom and being nice lol i sound like a frily girl
i really am not the raceing map person cant find much of them but the pics blew me away this looks like a great map and they need to feature more...
coolieo i want to see that vid badly i did it once at my friends we were heading for the scarab to take it out but it turned at the last 3 secs...
i dont find this helpful stuff i already knew but nice try
good but make it more exciting soundin i almost got one if my friend didnt betray me but thats the waty it goes
spread grenade medium size but shoots small bullets in 3 directions in front of it bullets do small but fast damage and can killl if they stand in...
hate to say it just is how u use it like a buuble shield could save ur frinds life by throwing it off a ledge for them power drain block off routs...