Billy Reloaded what do you mean by interlocking and the weapon room is just really for infection because the non infected people will need the...
This map was made for infection, the infected start on the top and take a gravlift down a chimney to the humans and they have to survive for 120...
Thanks for all your help I used your idea theMallet but thanks everyone, theMallet I like your map. You all helped create Chimney check it out...
I want to change things in my map for infection, e.g I want to add a gravlift but when I change game type to infection then change it it changes...
How do you make a teleporter apprear during a game and if it is impossible is there a way to block it until a certain point in the game. Thanks.
A map that has a fort at one side with two towers and sniper rifles. Made mainly for slayer, one bomb and one flag CTF. One team starts at the...
I,ve not seen your map
Sorry I tried my best, I hope this is better
Mario Cart only on Halo. People are on mongese and they have to capture the bases. The map Rats Nest only man cannons are used as boosts and...