I used to be L0N3 S0LD13R because I thought I was 1337. I was 12, forgive me. I was known as "Lone", so when I went to change my name, I needed to...
Also, I feel like a great deal of you are looking through rose-tinted glasses at what ForgeHub used to be. Certainly, there were quality maps...
I've had some of the best internet friends I could have because of this site, and I attribute a good deal of who I am to the friends I made...
Finals almost over. Full revival imminent.
Hey guys, used to participate in this forum, then I didn't. But now summer is here and I don't have to worry about school so I can play Halo...
Thanks for the birthday wish Insane! I miss you and your Jewish self.
YARLY filler
I don't know why I was reminded of this, I just randomly thought about it. A while back I wrote a post in which I spoke about my favorite forge...
I really just want to take one run through that world! So much nostalgia.
Fine work, I see that AP Art class was worth taking.
You seem very proficient at Minecraft and I think you have a mac? so anyways, I'm looking for help adding textures. I can find the folder in...
When I click "Open Texture Pack Folder" nothing happens. EDIT: I'm on a Mac if that makes any difference.