ill join up with this sounds good ill give you a map to look at not the best but something to start of with : Halo 3 File Details
gamertag: LETS SAYIM BIGR times you can get on: i go on all tegh time iof im not doing something mic yes/no: yes something describing yourself: i...
thanks everyone for the feedback greatly appreciated.
thankyou both of you ill muck around with the map tomorrow to add a few things into it and hopefully get it a bit better
Map Title: night's battle this is my first competitve map that i have mad on any map. i enjoyed making it although it got very frustrating and i...
what steps??? u didnt give me any except for the file share thing.. anyways its in there now
hay mate jsut add me or something and my map is in my fileshare too with the gametype slot 2 and 6 i think it was but the names a re fairly similiar
love the map the whole design of it being on ground with out and ramps or stuff is good the dinosaurs look great and u must have worked hard def...
looksa alright ill give it ago
Map Title: around you go my first map that i took seriously on forge and sandbox. please if you have any tips or would like to help out send me a...