First two sentences: Everyone tries to make a world that's perfect for them individually. Heaven is described as being so much better than...
Lol thank you for your opinions. But I want you to look at this from purely a survival perspective. Do we absolutely need to wear designer...
To start off, this technically isn't a debate. I'll make it one later but the first part of the post is just my views on the world. Think about...
ahhh that was sick dude i can't wait for the whole thing
People in private chat in MLG. People that say "you're garbage" after you beat them and then challenge you to a 1v1 and send you messages every...
Watch the oregon trail one too. its pretty funny.
hey my friend's gamertags are "x dr mcnasty x, immortal nastyy, its n a s t y y, uncannymight, warhawkrampage3, x mlg mcnasty x, and ppu n a s t y...
I've been watching some of the gameplay videos to see what the pros' strats are on mlgpro and they usually have a pretty big crowd. So do you...
whats your gamertag?
that was sick. I really liked the editing. And the transition at like 1:02 was amazing. He'll probably want to change the song and then sync the...
alright cool thats good to hear. you can take as long as you want. also we might be turning it into a team montage so you'll have more clips to...
Hey here's a link to my friend's file share for the montage. : Halo 3 File Share So yea i guess just put a couple of the clips...
hey this is a link to one of his accounts' file share. Check out some of the killtacs and overkills. : Halo 3 File Share Oh and hes...