Needs more interlocking 14.98/14.89. Just kidding, it appears to be quite the opposite actually. -- Yes you do get more than the max because you...
I just don't think that in my like 50 times I played this, I don't think I've won once. Or did we Dudernub? i don't remember D: But god this...
lololololol dudernub trying to be cool on FH
Hey Goatnuts! I love these doors more than like any switch right now, they are just so easy to make and so aesthetic. Such a simple and great idea...
This is the what... second time this week this happened? I'll just copy and paste from the last one: Are you sure you came up with the...
Are you sure you came up with the drawbridge all by yourself? If not, its kind of important to give some credit to a pmp nmd slkbk [IMG]...
Damnnn! 12,800 views in three months! Version Three anybody?
Iverson! When I played this at FnF, at first I didn't know it was by you. I just thought it was one of those 1337 featured maps here on Forge Hub...
lol what can i say? hes is teh uber admin he gets what he wants
is it true your recon got stolen before?
pmp is my hero and we are finishing our latest door concept which can be found here: Touch Sensitive Pressure Door
hi ivory, its your aquaintence from H3A, anyways in the Hydraulic door v.2, i kept what you said in mind and bmped up the custom powerup. now one...
haha, yeah. i havent been on here in forever! so im just shouting out to some familier names