OK, the interlocking on some houses is REALLY sloppy, but the might have been on purpose. Although the map looks like it was rushed, it looks like...
It's not a BAD map, but it's definatley not worth the DL. It looks like all you did was add some weapons and barriers to The Pit.
Yea mayne I <3 MLG. I'm only a 43 in it, but I play loads of customs. I have a 3v3 team on gb as Cross The Line (XtL) My GT is XtL KrayToR; btw
It looked like it should be good, but almost all maps always do.
OMG this looks great. The pics didn't really show too much, but hopefully it lives up to the praise it's been getting.
thanks for the welcome mayne
I like the view. If it sucks though, I will molywop you (Don't know what mollywop means? Urban Dictionary it!)
Nice map and all, but the thing that really caught me was near the end. Your GT is amazing
Too big, not enough cover
It reminds me with the BR warmup maps
I like all of you're pics. O wait.
I've never liked teleporters in MLG maps. Which is exactly why I hope the v6 doesn't have Isolation.
I don't like it, because you obviously just played with Ons
Dude this was REALLY original. It just needs more cover, and I'd replace the Custom Powerup with some invis.
Did you DL this from someone else? Because I KNOW I've played this one before.