I edited the original into the first post. In the original the lighting was plain, there was no explosion, no logo, there was no concept art...
Thanks guys! I'm glad that you like it!
Ok, I just was reading an astronomy textbook and saw possibly the coolest thing ever... Has anyone heard of Saturn's moon Mimas before? It is...
Hello everyone! This is my latest wallpaper. It is based on the recently released Portal 2 Cooperative Testing Initiative trailer (available on...
Well, I clearly used the word period as a shorter way of saying "in any respect."
Not really, I just gave my reasoning for why I don't enjoy Reach... you can disagree as much as you like, but its still my opinion.
I made a similar image of the F-35 tearing through paper... [img] The trick is to use a texture that looks like paper for the background (not...
I don't enjoy playing Reach very much period... its ok with friends, but the competitive aspect just seems totally gone from the game. I'm one of...
I agree... I don't know why, but I just don't find the Halo: Reach matchmaking that appealing. The maps aren't very good, armor abilities are...
Quoted for truth... Also, BUMP
While the song isn't that great, the music video is win... Especially the scene where the lady is offering icecream to the guy with the burlap...
That is the creepiest thing I have seen all day... Also, http://www.forgehub.com/forum/member.php?u=18120 18,120 Win? I mean, its still kinda...
GO TEAM VENTURE! Venture Bros ftw
Is there a particular aspect that we should look for? It seems like a standard description of the benefits of networked computing...