O.M.G! when i saw the first pic i thought, It's pretty big, then I saw the second pic, damn thats really big. Great map. The merging is neat, the...
Your map and gametype sounds fun, but your pics aren't working, try using photobucket. I'm sure someone else will post a link to help you out.
Nicely done. You may say that your version my look shitty but It doesn't look that bad. Even though that it isn't exscatly like the Tardis it...
Map Preview: 99X Redemption. By:Koreboosest Jake Ello forgehub! I had recently made a map and wanted to see if it is good enough for the halo...
Hey! Wecome to forgehub. Just want to make you feel Ok, about the site and I hope to see some maps from ya.
Well done on your first post. Your map looks amazing i sould say. can use some merging but it looks ok as it stands. I like the fact That itz not...
Looks great! The design really brings out the use of the cyrpt. I love the ceiling design you used. But I think the banshee is somewhat fair....
Good job on making your first post and I love your ship design. It could be a little neater, but overall i love it. And I doesn't matter if it is...
Awesome track. It is very similar to a racetrack, and it looks very neat. I have to say my favorite part is the whole thing. This can really be a...
Hmmm. I think i have a few maps i can spare, but I am not really sure, any of them are good for what your looking for.But I recommend looking in...
I love your covenant ship design, i really do, but infection with vehicles for the human sounds like a lil too much don't you think? I recommend...
It looks amazing.At first i thought i was looking at a mod, but your phantom looks awesome.Good job on making it, I would love to see some maps...
Hey man, nice map. I really like the stage, it is very simple but creative.And for a second I thought who had posted the next Civiliaztion Noob...
It's regular sandbox on steriods? The map looks awesome, and looks fair to play on.It reminds me alot of the regular sandbox design, thats not a...