stoned! I should have cleaned the edges up better and adjusted the line path before posting it, haven't done much photoshopp'in in a while I...
[IMG] Surreal science fiction art. Not completely finished with it yet I'm working on Cleaning up the overall image such as edges and adding a...
paradox of power and peace! [IMG] "A lamb in the line of battle has been lead to the slaughter, Another to join all the ghosts from before him,...
I haven't been on here in a long time but yeah I can capture and edit, my gold ran out so i don't know if i can still dl clips? but you need... Montage Edited by: KNIGH7MARE Gameplay: xxIReaperxx Music: Room 409 by: Bullet for...
Thanks for all the comments.... Thanks to all who've commented and enjoyed the vid, I tried to find a song that wasn't overly popular/used in...
thanks Thanks, The gameplays not all that great tho just old clips, Not sure what wrong with the song, I'm going to update the info to include... music: "Undead" by: Hollywood Undead(EXPLICIT LYRICS)
This is my first vid and this is more of a practice vid at the moment I'm just looking for input more then awesome montage, the finished wont have...
Still in the making thought I would upload this to get some input from the community, Mainly a laser montage. its still a little rough at the...