GRANITE KnarFF213 Download A small symmetrical map recommended for 2-8 players but can support more. Gametypes All except infection,race,and...
I think that may be some type of radar jammer armor ability ,I saw that a lot in the video. But i still think it will be at least 9v9.
Yep i saw those too. Call outs have official names now.
What happened to Makirov?
1) Halo 3 2) Far Cry 2 3) Gears of War 2 4) CoD : WaW 5) Assassins Creed
Or rent the game download that game to your hard drive, then put your broken disk in an d see if that works. When the game is in the hard drive...
He got harry potter,Jeter, and me all right
Who thinks that there should be matchmaking in ODST. From the ODST disk there should be machmaking in the menu, and it would...
Name backwards then birthday, not too original. Added extra F for fun
Highest skill:41 Playlist:Lone Wolves Global rank: Cornel grade 2 (cant spell)
This is a hard choice, I like orbital a lot, and I also like Ghost Town. I cant vote in the poll because i cant decide. Both are my favorite...