i have an idea of an infection based gametype of whacka-mole where the humans run around on a level under the infected and they jump up through...
i want to add a video but i dont have a capture card is there someone that would be able to make a video for me of the map and i can add it to the...
hello everyone just wanted to say hi im kirbstar and im new to this forum :) i just joined the other day because i got stuck on a map and i signed...
so is the cap rully removed? or is there a restriction again?
is that better? if i need to fix it up some more let me no :) just yea only signed up today so new to this :) Edited by merge: can i get this...
Everyone loved the classic lockout and blackout here is my take on them with a few weapons added (including the needlie rifle and the plasma...
just add my gamertag and ill inv u
yes yes and yes so idk why its doing this :( Edited by merge: any other ideas? once this is done ill be uploading on my fileshare it just needs...