i used the scorpion since it was the closet weapon to the actual turret in the real game , the other weapons were too weak and didnt give my the...
wait a sec i played this map months ago , it was fun but i played this exact map a long time ago
wow this looks an actual map by bungie o_o and now i have a reason to download this map pack , becouse before i found it pointless
what?? no comments , this map is mind boggling fantastic looking i specifically like the over head bridge area ^^ this deserves to be featured but...
this has a nostalgic feel to it, love to see race maps like this, these days all u see is flying noodles in the sky as race maps if u know what i...
i like the look , it looks so dark and evil like "scary" but ya its small and zombie camping happens alot , too easy
looks cool but u know how it goes , this post isnt up to standards and stuff
this map looks nice , i lke the storage room :D and if this is your first map u ever forged , then your pretty damn good for a "newbie" 0_0
i mite try to take an invasion gametype and make it feel like infection
hmm how would this be done in invasion ?
is it possiple to make multiple objects disapear over time ? like making a wall that blocks off an area disappear . its for an infection map i...
wow u got the size and every thing perfect , nice work man looks pretty accurate
this map looks kinda confusing, you should have a far out over view of the map , to held players under stand the shape of the map better, but...
i did the weapon behind the glas thing in a Bioshock 2 inspired map i made but u did 3 times better :V fantastic work here man such creativity u have