The worst part about the multiplayer is that you cant play combat training without internet. I am at my dads house every other weekend and their's...
That was literally my favorite game until I got an original xbox. Mine would have to be the kiosk demo for the xbox
nibsterrr nibbles im nibs nibsindahouse Geico nibsarekool nibsarecool nibz mynibblsarehard
The only editing I can honestly see is music, which is easy enough that I can do it, and that's saying something. I have no idea what editing he...
Oh, wow I meant to say can you get it an alpha, sorry. And also: [IMG]
lol i like how this is posted right after The minecraft in the forum. Great vids by the way. I think it should be a tuesday thursday release.
Why? seriously theres no point in advertising your five kill streak in a game that is being outdated in 3 days.
I know that but which building? Also: [spoiler] Edit: lol I messed up the [spoiler] things so the last one said [/spoiled]
I was playing classic for the first time and i found that you can place this block: [IMG] I was wondering if this is in classic because it looks...
Thanks, I finally got power armor, yay! Now I am wondering if anyone knows where to find raul(sp) the ghoul Edit: I just finished the game and I...
Hey guys, so I finally figured out how to make a minecraft video and I made one of my base. It's my first vid so it sucks pretty hard but it's...
This is the only thing that I really hate.
No updates:( I DL'd it and my friend put in his account so I only got the updates up to that point.
It's like in fallout 3, the main followers can only be swapped for another main follower. Think of rex and ed-e (or whatever it's called) as...