been going through alot. i lost my job and couldn't afford my internet bill. then i got evicted, and now im living with my dad. won't be able to...
If you want to set up an official play test, go to the tester's guild forum and make a post with the time and date you want it to be, and make...
something tells me that that was a serious question so here's a serious answer: ascension is a halo 2 map, simply put. i can't believe you've...
seriously does anybody take the time to actually play on the map before posting a comment up about it? how do you just by looking it? and then you...
well i have some pretty cool screenshots and i thought that bungie would've put one or two on favorites by now. but i guess it's not as simple as...
i know but im asking where do you see the gold septagon at on and how do you join these groups on --- can u make bungie...
wait how do you know all of this and where do you see the gold "septagon"? --- what groups and how do you get into these groups? also, is it...
gravity hammer. im a huge fan of the energy sword ever since combat evolved, but the gravity hammer seems more..."fun", as flameblad3 put it. the...
Just an interesting question I recently got to thinking about. Earlier, I was wondering how Bungie could possibly keep track of all the maps,...
that's because rocket and sniper spawned every 30 seconds (if im not mistaken). which ill fix when i fix the equipment. and as for the spawns, as...
yeah, the instant respawn WAS on everything (fusion coils, rocket launcher, etc...) but i forgot to fix the equipment. That was a major issue when...