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Oct 7, 2010 at 6:38 AM
Jun 1, 2009
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I live in hell and it only gets worse

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Ancient, from I live in hell and it only gets worse

Senior Member
kilikx1x was last seen:
Oct 7, 2010
    1. Ac3Snip3r
      Very gud k thx
    2. Ac3Snip3r
      O hai Thar
    3. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      look, the reason im telling you this is because i know what its like, i too was wondering how it was spam. The thing is, you just have to say its spam, there is no logical reason why, its just spam, im not trying to tell you how to do things, and by the way i play 5 sports, none of them are xbox or anything gay like racquetball, and i have stright A's in all of my gateway classes in highschool
    4. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      nice map, i like the style and iv seen it before but never in an mlg or br gametype only zombies, nice creativity. keep it up :p

      you included the fact that you've never seen a map like this in mlg, which is not helpful at all, try to include the likes and dislikes, and by likes i don't mean "Good map, keep up the good work"
    5. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      hey the post you made on MLG BR DOME was spam, im not telling you to listen to me, but ive gotten banned 3 times for spam, i dont want it to happen to you, the moderators are lurking....ha
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  • About

    I live in hell and it only gets worse
    Im me, all you need to know. But i sopose you WANT to know more huh? well you are still reading this arn't you? yes, yes you are. Anyways heres what i like to call a "**** up"

    Hi im Andrew, well known as Kilikx1x or Kike. If you dont know what Kike means stop reading rite now. And i mean that too. Yes, for those of you that do know what Kike means, I am jewish, and no, I dont care if you call me that.

    On with my life-
    I love forging and I wanted to join some of Halo3's most HC Forgers.

    Kick back and own some noobz


    life is just a mistake that happened along the path of expansion, but if we must go on we must go on.