this map looks awesome!!!!! it looks spacey, big, yet it has enough details to it. i wonder if you did the colossal glitch. ima look at this
you got it all wrong. even with those things he still has enough budget to add things without deleting anything. i disagree with changing the...
oh my gawd this map looks so clean. i love your waterfountain and the layout. the trees fit in perfectly! the way you connected the built in lift...
oh ma gawd this is really close to it. very nice you got pretty much everything down.
dude i like the way you merged the platform medium with the circle incline. it llooks like a good structure. makes the map look great for...
the map looks bare. and from the pictures, you havent placed enough spawns to support any type of slayer game.
how in the world did you forge that many golf goals?
the map looks beautiful from afar. but your spawn placements are a bit off. there are some parts of the map that you didnt put a spawn in.
its been a long time bro. its me diablo jaguar. new gamertag is Khozi. the map looks like your other maps and the challenges look different. i...
the platforming looks smooth and everything blends it perfectly. its a killer that you have a problem with that black building. its a huge scar...
wow thats so cool! the way you use initial spawn as a model for the weapons is great and how you put the weapons behind the glass!
i havent seen any good maps made in that part of forgeworld. but this one looks like an exception. pretty good design im going to look forward to...
never use spiral staircases like that it annoys racers. its repetitive and boring.
heavy vehicles are overpowered because there isnt enough cover outside the houses. you should either make more cover or remove them. also, you...
wow from the pictures this is definitely one of the best architectural designs in a map ive seen. your inclines blend perfectly to hide bare edges...