YouTube- Exiled Forgers
im making a race track out of this method so it might not be really good just because im also getting used to this new method
u can also use the tin cups for measuring wear it is now i have perfected ramps and straight aways and almost turns if you do racetracks.
This method is not hard its just faster.
Thank you. YouTube - clossmanb's Channel This link is to the youtube video
Also my method is the theory of magnetics. The bottom of the tin cups attract objects but is not strong enough by itself so you need to use at...
There is now a tutorial on my fileshare. GT: KGB Firewind The video is in my last slot. Here is the link to the
ok for everyone that wants a demonstration add send me a friend request on xbox live and ill show you and ill explain it right here. 1:Start...
im talking about to interlock in the air to make a race track like... make objects float at angles that u cant stack to get and make a race track.
i found out how to interlock without saving and quiting!!
i was messing around on sandbox today and i figured out a new way to interlock pieces on sandbox. I mainly use it for racetracks. I will try to...