heyheyheyhey. You know what tomorrow is? HOUSEEEEEE! That's 3479854954 times better than ODST on Tuesday. I love youuuuu<3<3
Hi, I love you.
My mom named me Katharine Scarlett because she figured I'd be made fun of for the rest of my life if my name was just Scarlett.
Lol yeah, so I hope you forgive me when I have my mood swings.
For the most part, I'm nice but I have my moments where I get aggravated. I'm a girl, I get my mood swings. XD
Paul said hi :D Good nightt (:
If you too agree and have issues with me, how about you leave this thread and talk to each other? Omfg, it's like no matter what there's stupidity...
And the whipped cream <3
Hey, you know that I'm naughty and kinky. You experienced that side me more than once :P Omfg. Go the **** away. Honestly, don't you have...
You're just too ****ing cool.
Thanks (:
I love you Paul, though you're a tool.
All up to Paul. Whatever he wants<3
lol yeah i know right babe?
Aw why thank you :D and yes, they need to have his accent. Absolutely, I completely agree lol