Lookes good, but i was hoping for more tight tunnels and little secret areas, but that was just me getting over excited at the name, so i give you...
People always build on foungry because its the nearest thing to a big open room with build your own map features you're gonna get on halo.
Sweet, love the map too anyway... 4/5 but the mass use of teleporting doors does really put a sign up asking to be assassinated... but got my...
Hey guys, I learnt how to break the item limit too now... Me and gingerfreak are currentally working on a two platform version.. its going well
Hey, how scary... I live on the Isle Of Wight. You can guess how shocked i was when i saw it, lol. I'm called Nic.D incase you know me... or the...
Seen it before but better... and pictures are too small. Sorry but that only scores a 2/5 on my lader, and no DL
Looks good
I love this map, i had a party of 15 playing it yesterday... and boy oh boy it was fun. deffending was my fav thing. 9.5/10 without any questions!
Well what to say, its great but my friend made a better one just by destroying a map i took hours to make... luckly i saved it, but i said "just...
Yeah i like normal infection... zombies have no sheilds... lots of hiding spots but alot of cornors too. It's only a small map (1/2 the size of...
Woah that is cool... that is great... is there anything holding the scorpian in place? other than that a DL rom me after i DL'ed my 10 and a 5/5
Great, other than the having to jump... 4/5 from me and a dl to see what it is like when i finished dl'ing me 10 list
Sweet... one thing is I dont like the low enterance... most barns have big doors and such delights. Still doesnt sway my vote, the truck idea is...
It looks ok, gave it a try and there doesnt seem much to it... anyway 2/5 from me and a download
Fun as a pre-party game... i use it all the time when im waiting for the custom game to get to around 8 players. 4/5