Greetings forum goers, this is my second submission. Much nicer looking than my first, might I add. Bit of back round on the map first: this is...
I could just lower the radar range in the gametype, which would be easy. I'm just not sure about it, since I haven't had the oppurtunity to test...
One team gets banshees, because they are bombing the turrets. The guys with the turrets get Falcons, because they are anti-personnel, and if they...
'Ello there chaps. This is my first actual submission, and hopefully one that will be well received. This is a slayer map, and slayer gametype,...
Thank you! Just add me to your friends list, my GT is JohnnyRadman, and I do have a mic. These past few days I've been able to get on a fair...
Thank you for the help! But that certainly is depressing. All the effort to make that map... Would anybody happen to know how you would go about...
Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen of forge hub. I am new to forge and the community, as you might guess. I look forward to seeing some of the...