thanks man, but trust me if u ever get a 16 player lobby on desolation you will have so much fun because even though it might not be extremely...
whoa hahah im glad you are inspired thats really what i was going for :D. sadly im not gunna have any new maps anytime soon but i still do have 2...
thanks man it means a lot i hope you enjoy them
[IMG] The downfall map pack is the final map pack I am going to fully release. that being said I went out of my way to make it the best map...
hey man! names jdino ( dino for short) let me know if u need any help forging maps or have questions about forgehub. ;)
HAHHAH dude thanks for posting exactly what i was going to post lolz he bumped my map pack down on the 3rd page....
thanks man , well for groundwork i wanted more of an isolated structure feel without alot of crazy asthetics. but i do understand what you mean i...
heey man check out my new map pack its preatty awesome :D "Deprived map pack"
[IMG] After my previous map pack , the “conquest map pack” I decided to return to the world of forgers here on forgehub and unveil my second...
not bad i like the design reminds me of the cage a bit. very interesting use of forge pieces i like :D
yea idc quadphib u can use it
thanks so much man this helps alot i will be posting some gameplay videos of all of the maps by 2mro soo check in then if u want to see the maps...