Well I bought it yeserday but it should take about a week or two to get here, so I haven't been able to play it yet. I'm just going to have to...
lol well I'm a bit short atm :(, cuz I bought left 4 dead yesterday lol.
bioshock 2, mass effect 2, halo 3 ODST, Halo wars L4D, CoD 4 and 5 and even 6 etc... lol
Cool, I played it so many times I founf out a way to beat the heroic enemy on skirmish under 10 mins or so lol. damn there's just to many games...
I've played th demo a few times... maybe a bit to much but I was bored that week lol I think I'll go with L4D I've heard to many bad stories about...
Ye I've heard alot of bad stories about halo wars but I downloaded the demo and i didn enjoyed it. It's just that I've played L4D so many times...
hey I got a Q: which would be better to buy? Left 4 Dead or Halo Wars?
I've been playing it todat :) on hardest dificulty. I'm trying to get some achievements. You should check the ign preview of bioshock 2 on...
Can't wait for Bioshock 2 :)
Cool, you've done some awesome sigs. I really like the bioshock one.
Well you've made some right? Can you show them to me?
thnx for the link but I dont really think I want one anymore. It seems hard to make one and I'm kinda lazy and I dont want to waste someone...
ok cool, Didn't know that. Could you give me a link to one of those posts?
I don't know actually, well I have an idea but I'm not sure if I can explain it well. How do you make them? with the sig shop?
Sig Shop?