Meh, not really that sad. I have like 3 really good friends over XBL who vanish from existence every Tuesday and Saturday due to this FFXI thing...
Oooo, new puzzle map eh? Yeah send me an invite the next time you manage to schedule in some Halo 3 in between your FFXI marathons, lolz.
Look at this fool two comments below mine... He stole my avatar!!! Buddha, I demand that you delete him from existence with your immensely...
Yeah man, I hear ya. Sandbox can be a pain to forge on, but it is also quite rewarding when you manage to make something great. Well you don't...
No, I've made many more competitive maps in the past. This is just my first Forge Hub thread. I appreciate the compliments though. ^_^ Oh, and...
It's not my first map. In fact, it's my seventh serious/competitive map, and probably around my 30th map in total. This is just the first map in...
Hey guys, this is my first Forge Hub post so be gentle! ^_^ Here is my newest map, Undulation. [IMG] Undulation is a symmetrical main...
Actually, Debo completely revised the weapon layout once it was apparent that new players to the map were having a difficult time finding weapons...
Oh? So you have something against Red Mages, huh? White Mages are the best Mage, eh? Racist...
Or you could level up your Red Mage within forge! I like that idea better. ^_^
You need to stop playing FFXI and take a look at my new map!!!
Yeah, so I finally got my FH account reactivated... as you might have guessed since I was able to post this... Anyway, you're gonna have to show...