It was a VIP variant where the VIP team was the ODSTs, the Asset was Virgil the Engineer, and the other team were covenant, and you had to protect...
I'm starting to get pretty PISSED OFF about 343 not enabling the file database. What the ASS are they waiting for??! They released an incomplete...
It's still more of a process than it should be. Edited by merge: Oh I didn't know about that, I WON'T check it out. ;)
BR needs to be given better accuracy imo, it's not accurate enough from mid-long range.
Yeah, and even then it's a tedious process of adding them to your friends list (hoping that it's not full), going into their file share and...
Yeah, where did you hear that. By them ruining Infection I meant that since zombie weapon and vehicle traits can't be changed, that means all...
Yeah, Construct seems like a map that doesn't know what type of map it's trying to be. Nonetheless, it's still a pretty good map in its own right....
Now that they fixed the weapon spawns I think Haven is my favorite map. It has a very Halo 3 feel to it imo. My least favorite would have to be...
Too bad it'll probably be removed from MM soon like Team Snipers and FFA Throwback were. :( Ikr, the fact that they included FFA Regicide and...
You have a good point here, it always bothered me how all the combat always trickled to the top and the bottom was always vacant for the most...
Agreed, 343i really needs to get their **** together. It's like all they cared about was campaign and matchmaking and everything else was...
Yeah, remaking Geryphobia would require some major comprises for sure due to its size. I would love to see Construct remade though, that was a...
Does anyone know why it's taking so long for 343i to open the community files database? I mean c'mon, they should've had it ready when they...
Looks great, tsb. I like the setting you chose to build it in especially. Can't wait to play some games on it.