I absolutely love your depth and lighting. It's amazing. ^agreed, Some of the effects are a bit poor and messy, but it still looks great...
lmao yeah, that place was a blast for a while haha.
Funny how i remember almost all of these lol. Keep improving dude.
Woah, just spent the better half of an hour looking through about a 100 pages worth of threads haha. Brought back a lot of memories :D. Really...
OK i stole an idea from stoj :P. Make a photography thread for everyone first of all, and if it takes off then think about a contest?
Good point, I see that could be a problem. I kinda like this idea, and though it might be a pain in the arse it would solve a few problems. I...
Hmm, I agree, It can be tricky - but IMHO photography is much less about skill, or even practice (although it certainly does help), but just about...
So I was thinking, whilst SOTW has run dry over the past couple of weeks there's now no Graphics contests on the site - and whilst that's down to...
Thanks for all the comments guys :).
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