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Why would you do that? Damn you, Jex Yoyo! Just when it was dead...
I have a moleskine just for this.
They never claimed it was a new forging map.
I love how you manage to be wrong and an asshole at the same time.
He does not need to swap the king and queen, It's correct.
I think I'm just going to have to with a few mines on the inside.. :(
I do like that idea.In fact, I would be using that right now if it weren't for the fact that the elites are the imprisoned ones, and that door...
There's no pallets on forge world, and I don't want to waste a phase on something this small.
Hello... er, graphics and arts people! I've needed a good background for my you-tube channel for a while now, and I'd like to get the channel...
I'm making a prison break linear invasion game. It's early in it's creation, and I'm creating the cells the attackers start in. This is just the...
Thank for the suggestions. I'll try land grab, but I don't think it will work.